Keep Dreaming

Did you know Backstay Wine Co was started from a library?

I was 6 months pregnant and didn’t have a vineyard. Or a winemaking facility. Or a crusher, de-stemmer, barrels, storage warehouse or a million other things you need to make, store and sell wine. I didn’t even have a computer, as we had just moved and the hard drive on our laptop had fried right before our move (side note — be sure to back up your devices regularly as we hadn’t and ended up losing a bunch of personal pictures from our first years of marriage!).

I didn’t have the funds to plant vines, buy a tractor, pay for harvest … and I refused to take out a loan – convinced that if I was going to start a sustainable business it had to be able to “stand on its own legs”.

However, my mom was an educator for over 30 years and had instilled in me the powerful combination of learning and resourcefulness; and I chose to focus on what I did have – a dream of becoming an entrepreneur, the ability to read and free online access to endless information on what I needed to turn my dream from concept to reality.

Fast forward a year, and I had a busy, almost-walking 9-month old at home and an operational wine company. Our product was stocked in the Whole Foods throughout Oregon (along with a total ‘pinch-me’ moment when I received a personal call from the Northwest representative - who reviews hundreds of wines each year - extending kudos for an exceptionally delicious and beautifully presented product), local Portland wine boutiques; and was soon to be stocked throughout the New Seasons and Made in Oregon stores.

Starting, owning and running a business is hard. Being a mom is hard. There were (and still are) so many ups and downs, troubleshooting and curve balls to navigate (in both roles!) but in spite of the hardships, sleepless nights and a ‘to do’ list out the door -- I am grateful for my sweet little ones and for the opportunity to run my own business from home.

This season with COVID-19 is unprecedented and unpredictable. It is hard, and I have spent my fair share of grieving what I have lost or no longer have access to during this season. BUT, in spite of all the shut downs, closures, road blocks -- friends, there is still MUCH we can do. This is just a humble reminder to be resourceful and focus on what we have.

And to





Warmest cheers from our family to yours,

Founder, Backstay Wine Co.



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